InDesign Magazine 2007 April & May

InDesign Magazine is the first bimonthly PDF periodical devoted entirely to Adobe InDesign and to the growing community of InDesign professionals. With editorial direction by page-layout guru and author David Blatner and editor in chief Terri Stone, InDesign Magazine brings you the in-depth features, reviews, and tutorials you need to master Adobe InDesign.

Each issue gives you tips, techniques, and time-savers by an all-star cast of industry experts, including Sandee Cohen. In each issue of InDesign Magazine you'll find:
  • Step-by-step techniques for making the most of InDesign
  • Tips from in-the-trenches InDesigners
  • Expert advice on resolving production issues
  • Hands-on experience with InDesign's powerful features
  • News about the latest developments
  • Reviews of plug-ins and add-ons
  • Examples of cutting-edge InDesign work from today's top designers
  • Listings of user groups, events, and other resources
Whether you are new to InDesign, a seasoned user of InDesign, or a user of another program who just wants to see what the fuss is all about, InDesign Magazine is for you. Whether you work in a large-volume production department or in your own independent design studio, InDesign Magazine has the information you need to be more successful.
